Julia Bondi


Julia Bondi

Moon & Eclipse Message

There is a reason

The New Moon Of Sagittarius - November 23rd

Sagittarius is the 9th sign of the Zodiac, the sign of the Seeker. It is a fire sign dedicated to truth, purpose, adventure and a life of learning through living bravely, courageously. It is the broad expanse of a fully experienced life, a life of seeking our best, highest potential. Fire goes for it, is all in for life. Where could we benefit from taking a risk, choosing an adventure that is on our “bucket list”, reaching for a more expanded future? This is the sign of a wild life that isn’t restricted, constrained or defined by obligation. Normally the New Moon is a time to set intentions, to begin anew, to expand our sense of what is possible, and to allow us to believe in our grandest dreams. READ MORE>>>

There is a reason - A Mars Retrograde Holiday Season 2022

Have you experienced this time as an intense, challenging, demanding, unsettling, frustrating or frightening time when either you, others around you, and the world itself are seemingly out of control? Perhaps you don’t feel that life is safe, reasonable, or trustworthy.

If so, let’s talk about Mars retrograde from October 30th through January 12th, 2023, a period that encompasses September 3rd through March 15h, 2023. On September 3rd when Mars entered the sign of Gemini for the first time in approximately 2 years Mercury was nearing its next retrograde period beginning on September 9th as the Full Moon of Virgo/Pisces peaked on September the 10th.  READ MORE>>>

THE Lunar Eclipse Of November 8TH – 16 Degrees Taurus

This is the companion Eclipse to the recent October 25th Solar Eclipse.  It is the 2nd and final Lunar Eclipse in 2022 which is linked to and is a fruition of the May 16th Lunar Eclipse, the end of a 6 month cleansing leading to the opportunity for a profound purging and releasing of all that is preventing us from living fully in alignment with our talents, gifts and self-worth. While the archetype of Taurus is commonly described as money/income/self-sufficiency, the true potential of Taurus is the illumination of the Third Eye, of awakening, On May 16th, the Lunar Eclipse occurred on the great festival of Wesak, the festival of the enlightenment of the Buddha. It is helpful to expand our reflection to November 9th 2003 when this Eclipse last visited us – where were we in 2003, what were we doing, feeling, thinking? How far have we come, how much have we grown, who have we become since that 2003 Lunar Eclipse? The Lunar Eclipse of November 8th 1984 is the Taurus Eclipse that preceded the 2003 Eclipse is another stepping stone on he path to who we are today; also a ripe time to examine in our lives. READ MORE>>>

There is a reason – Nov 7th

1776, Civil War, extreme political division, political violence have become a significant percentage of our national dialogue. WHY?

Yes, we have been this divided before in the 1850’s prior to the Civil War and, yes, we have flirted with Fascism before in the 1930’s/1950’s. And, yes, we have survived those and other divisive periods in our United States history. Is this time different? Yes, it is. This is not a yes to irrational fears, to withdrawal from the civic life of our country or secession but it serious.

Just as each of us is unique shaped by our lineage, our life experiences and our individual beliefs/choices, our Country is also shaped by it’s past, it’s beliefs, it’s choices, it’s personality. We don’t normally think of a country as its own entity, it’s own personality, yet we can easily see the differences between the United Sates, Canada, Mexico (our geographic neighbors) or France or Kenya or Brazil. Our understanding of who we are as a people is informed by our history, our background, our beliefs, our expectations of and for our country, our hopes for our people and our feelings of belonging or not belonging in our country. We have an individual personality and a collective personality nationally as well as globally. READ MORE>>>

The Solar Eclipse of October 25th

Our Fall Eclipse Season begins on October 25th with a Solar Eclipse in Scorpio at 2 degrees. Most years including 2022 there are 4 Eclipses 6 months apart. Over the course of years, the months, signs and degrees of eclipses move through the months and the Zodiac. On November 8th the Lunar Eclipse will occur in Taurus at 16 degrees. While the new moon and the full moon have their own meaning and purpose as do the two signs in which they occur, they are a pair in relation to one another. I will provide more insight into their relationship as we near November 8th. READ MORE>>>

There is a reason – October 12th

Change is and, historically has been, frightening for most humans. We naturally seek to know who we are, where we have come from, to build on and preserve the life we have built, to know where we are going and how we will get there. Living as we now do in divisive times, in times of economic struggles,  nearing three years of the Covid Pandemic dominating our present and maybe our future, in escalating climate catastrophe throughout the world, triggers our most human fear that there is no safety, no recognizable world to trust. Why is this time so confusing, anxiety provoking and frightening. Is it all going to collapse? Will there be a nuclear war? Where can we find familiarity, predictability and trust in our future? READ MORE>>>

Meet Julia Bondi

Contact Julia

Wondering, questioning, seeking, exploring, dancing, words, knowledge, and wisdom have been my true north. Along with words are my heart, my gifts, my path to becoming the Astrologer, Historian, Counselor, and Metaphysician I am ever becoming. 

A profound love of learning was and is the ground for my life of seeking purpose and meaning in all of life’s beauty, joy, and pleasure with my fellow humans in this body of humanity that is our being. 

Early, my desire to be aware was channeled through schooling  and university with the intention of becoming a psychologist and an historian. I was called to activism in the 60’s/70’s to support and celebrate Civil Rights, Women’s Rights, Gay Rights, Migrant Workers Rights. Then my divine partner Pluto introduced me to my true path which was not academic, it was spiritual/metaphysical. It was time to ground, feel, heal and open fully to my soul’s calling. I was guided in the  most magical way to The Esoteric Philosophy Center as I was studying for my Masters in Adlerian Family Dynamics. For 5 years I studied Astrology, Tarot, Esoteric Philosophy, Yoga, Healing and more in a loving community of fellow seekers, wise friends and guides. Thank you Pluto for your insistence on eliminating everything not needed for my awakening to proceed internally and externally. Now my Cosmic Partners were lighting the way forward to my full commitment to living and working in full alignment with my soul. I left the business world to begin my Astrological, Metaphysical and teaching practice opening the TAV Center in Westport, CT where I offered classes, Full Moon Meditations, and more. 

My early passion for active participation and service in Politics transformed into a passion for Mundane Astrology (the Astrology of the World) which offers an understanding of the purpose of world events, the spiritual destinies of countries, and our growing need to become aware of and committed to our destiny as Humanity. 

Today as the Aquarian Age dawns, I continue to contribute to our awakening world as a guide to individual and collective consciousness in the community of Ashland, Oregon. 

Meet Julia Bondi

Wondering, questioning, seeking, exploring, dancing, words, knowledge, and wisdom have been my true north. Along with words are my heart, my gifts, my path to becoming the Astrologer, Historian, Counselor, and Metaphysician I am ever becoming. 

A profound love of learning was and is the ground for my life of seeking purpose and meaning in all of life’s beauty, joy, and pleasure with my fellow humans in this body of humanity that is our being. 

Early, my desire to be aware was channeled through schooling  and university with the intention of becoming a psychologist and an historian. I was called to activism in the 60’s/70’s to support and celebrate Civil Rights, Women’s Rights, Gay Rights, Migrant Workers Rights. Then my divine partner Pluto introduced me to my true path which was not academic, it was spiritual/metaphysical. It was time to ground, feel, heal and open fully to my soul’s calling. I was guided in the  most magical way to The Esoteric Philosophy Center as I was studying for my Masters in Adlerian Family Dynamics. For 5 years I studied Astrology, Tarot, Esoteric Philosophy, Yoga, Healing and more in a loving community of fellow seekers, wise friends and guides. Thank you Pluto for your insistence on eliminating everything not needed for my awakening to proceed internally and externally. Now my Cosmic Partners were lighting the way forward to my full commitment to living and working in full alignment with my soul. I left the business world to begin my Astrological, Metaphysical and teaching practice opening the TAV Center in Westport, CT where I offered classes, Full Moon Meditations, and more. 

My early passion for active participation and service in Politics transformed into a passion for Mundane Astrology (the Astrology of the World) which offers an understanding of the purpose of world events, the spiritual destinies of countries, and our growing need to become aware of and committed to our destiny as Humanity. 

Today as the Aquarian Age dawns, I continue to contribute to our awakening world as a guide to individual and collective consciousness in the community of Ashland, Oregon. 

Contact Julia

© 2024 | Julia Bondi | Site by Colin Bondi