The New Moon in Pisces – 2/27/25

The New Moon in Pisces – 2/27/25

Breathe deeply into the beginning of this new lunar cycle opening our consciousness/awareness to the in breath of the universal purpose of the next 29 days preparing us for the new moon of Aries. We are preparing for the coming 3/14 total eclipse in Virgo/Pisces. As...
Follow the Money

Follow the Money

The United States was born with Pluto in Capricorn in the 2nd house (emphasis on making money, enhancing income-based talents and abilities). We reacted to more and more taxes (interference/lack of individual choice and benefit from our own labor) on our exports and...
The End of America???

The End of America???

YES, we are living in and witnessing the end of the United States of America. All human experience is temporal, human beings, nations, and institutions are born, live and die. We have heard Ben Franklin’s quote when asked by a woman waiting outside the Constitutional...
The Full Moon – February 12, 2025 

The Full Moon – February 12, 2025 

The Moon was full this morning at 24 degrees of Leo. Each full moon is the exact moment when the Sun and Moon are opposite one another, when the Moon reflects the light of our Sun in full brightness. This is the potent, creative time of powerful light/insight between...
Spiritual Principles 2

Spiritual Principles 2

The 2nd great Spiritual/Cosmic Law is “Answer Only What is Asked”.  We have all heard how important it is to be impeccable with our words, to understand and respect the power of our words, to align our words with what is deeply true for us. This is accomplished...