The United States was born with Pluto in Capricorn in the 2nd house (emphasis on making money, enhancing income-based talents and abilities). We reacted to more and more taxes (interference/lack of individual choice and benefit from our own labor) on our exports and imports to and from England with resistance, civil disobedience (throwing tea worth substantial money into the Boston Harbor). The Boston Tea Party and Thomas Paine’s pamphlet Common Sense catalyzed the deep debate in the colonies that launched a new vision of self-government.
In addition to our financial freedom as a soon to be independent nation and our individual freedom to make our own decisions regarding our resources, this land was exceptionally rich with national resources of land, food, minerals, space and infinite possibilities. Those riches are clearly visible in the stellium in Cancer in our national 7th and 8th houses (trade with others, conquest of land/people’s riches and financial assets) shows the richness of the land; Venus and Jupiter the expansiveness of the land, animals, minerals, abundance of the North American continent – food, cotton, tobacco, furs, lumber and so much more. An abundance of gifts all worth so much value that a rich, powerful nation was being born. This wealth and the land of possibilities attracted more and more immigrants seeking land, freedom, and prosperity for themselves and their progeny.
The Native people whose land, wealth, and cultural heritage were an obstacle were either destroyed or marginalized. The Slaves we brought to the US to build our country were brutalized and exploited relegated to property or Jim Crow second class citizens until the 1960’s. Whose wealth is the US using to power our future?
Who would control this wealth? In the beginning, it was the Aristocrats and landowners. Then, the Planter Class in the South, along with financiers in the Northeast, took power—both benefiting from slavery, just as our Aristocratic founders had. After the Civil War, the Industrialists rose, building fortunes in steel, railroads, and banking as they created the industries that would make the United States the richest country in human history.
Later, the financial sector took the lead, driving the post-World War II housing boom, the era of home ownership, furnishings, highways, and infrastructure. By the 1980s and ’90s, the Investor Class dominated with the Wall Street merger-and-acquisitions frenzy—the “greed is good” era. Now, the Tech Industrial Class has emerged, seeking the power once held by pre-Civil War planters, Gilded Age entrepreneurs, and the stock market mavens of the 1920s.
We are the smartest, richest, most powerful—those who believe we should rule the world. We are the wealthy tech and business elites.
In 2021, a friend who is a retired economist/attorney asked me to look at the US chart to determine when the inevitable recession would occur. I said I don’t see a recession in the next few years despite the consensus in the financial markets (Goldman Sachs et all) that we were headed into a recession.
The US chart was correct; Goldman Sachs and the other premier Wall St firms were wrong. The US stock market has been moving higher since early 2009. It is certainly due or overdue for a correction after 16 years. When will it happen?
Beginning in March 2025 the wealth grouping of indicators (planetary group of Cancer planets) will begin to be pressured by transiting Pluto for the next 15 years. It’s possible that Jupiter’s movement through Cancer highlighting the US financial power may ease this crisis for another year. Then the financial power of the US will be at the crossroads of expanding or destroying our economy and planet.
However, the US is facing a financial crisis that may rival the 1929 depression. Again, we are living in a time of worshipping the wealthy, extreme income inequality, unrestrained Industrial Capitalism in the Tech sector, the power to buy politicians, the belief that these Masters of Wealth and Finance know what is best for all of us. Add to these historical and Cosmic indicators, the Culture Wars that mirror the 1920’s racial, eugenics, misogynistic beliefs that White Christian men should and will rule the world. We are indeed at a “fork in the road”.
The 45-year Cosmic Cycle begun in 1980 with deregulation, extreme tax cuts for the wealthy, the demonization of Government has come full circle. Elon Musk along with the Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos, Tim Cooke, Jeff Yass, Peter Thiel and so many more are sure they should and will determine our future. Should they? Will they?
Will we say yes or no?