Julia Bondi


Julia Bondi


The New Moon in Pisces – 2/27/25

Feb 24, 2025 | Moon-Eclipse Message | 1 comment

Breathe deeply into the beginning of this new lunar cycle opening our consciousness/awareness to the in breath of the universal purpose of the next 29 days preparing us for the new moon of Aries.

We are preparing for the coming 3/14 total eclipse in Virgo/Pisces. As we feel into the enormity of the 2,000-year shift into the Age of Aquarius, how are the alignments of planets in Pisces and Aries inviting us all into the letting go of the Piscean Age limiting our individual experience of the truth of our divinity, our access to our soul guidance, our intuitive knowing of our truth/the truth.

Letting go of this past individually and collectively is possible in ways we have never had available, have never imagined to be possible. Breathe into the knowing that you are free now to reimagine, restart, reawaken, renew your trust in NOW!

With 6 positions in Pisces (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Saturn, Neptune and the North Node) the planets will be moving into Aries this Spring beginning the power of this 2025 Spring Equinox move into Aries over the next 2 months with the Moon’s Nodes reminding us that the power we are is the power of the Divine we are all an expression of, in service to.

The past is dying, fading away, is no longer even real in our experience/destiny. The new is being born as both Saturn (29-year cycle) and Neptune (165-year cycle) soon meet in Aries ushering in the New Age of Creation using, fully utilizing our individual and collective capacity to reimagine a new world – a world of vision, intuitive heart knowledge guiding us toward a compassionate/empathetic society valuing each of us as our full selves. This vision is dependent on our knowing/committing to our full divine potential unlimited by our individual past, our collective past.

Pisces precedes Aries each year as the old year dies and the new one is born. What is our relationship to the past and the future? Can you imagine a future in which you are not limited by or defined by your past? A future in which what you deeply/intuitively know you are, what your life can be.

This is the moment of vision, inspiration and divine guidance that we will be able to ground into reality/the reality we are seeing and trusting now as we move into the Full Moon of Pisces/Virgo on 3/14.

Let the future begin!

1 Comment

  1. Heidi Congistre

    I am not familiar with Aries, most of my planets are in Pisces. So I am not sure what to expect. I do want to learn more about the characteristics of Aries.

    Thank you for the new moon analysis/guidance.


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