Julia Bondi


Julia Bondi


The Total Lunar Eclipse of March 14th

Mar 10, 2025 | Moon-Eclipse Message | 2 comments

This is the first eclipse of 2025 pointing us to the activation of this turning point year when Saturn, Uranus and Neptune all change signs. Looking back to November 2024 when Pluto entered Aquarius on November 19th, this was the portal to the transformational power of the 21st century. In the next 19 years we are birthing the new world, the 21st century world.

Each month the full moon is a moment of stillness between the waxing/expanding two weeks initiated at the previous new moon and before the two weeks of manifestation/waning energy leading to the next opening potential of the coming new moon of March which will be a Solar Eclipse. This exact turning from the expanding awareness preceding this full moon to the release moment of this total lunar eclipse on the 14th in Pisces/Virgo is shaping the next 2 weeks of action/follow through until the Solar Eclipse renewal on March 29th in Aries.

This Lunar eclipse is in the signs of Virgo, the position of the moon on the 14th, and Pisces, the sign of the Sun on the 14th. Because the moon has no light of her own to reflect, she reflects the light of the Pisces Sun. Pisces is the archetype of our externality as souls/divine beings while Virgo is the commitment/discipline/action to live each and every day embodying the guidance of our soul inspiring, guiding and supporting our fully lived life work of Being. The current frequency up level of this new century/New Age of Aquarius is when our collective consciousness is ready/receptive to living in the Eternal Now awakening to all we are becoming.

A total eclipse intensifies, magnifies the potentiality of this week’s choices and actions that set in motion the coming 6 months before the September 7th Lunar Eclipse. Each monthly full moon punctuated by the power of the full moon eclipses of March 14th and September 7th is the most potent time for emotions, wounds, history, ancestral memories, and heightened sensitivity to clear, release and liberate us from the limitations of the past to reveal our full intuition, psychic abilities, soul and cosmic guidance. The March total lunar eclipse is the awakening of full soul guidance becoming available in each breath and action, an initiation into conscious living. No separation between our right and left-brain awareness, between our thoughts and actions, between feeling right action as we are actualizing our ever-expanding awareness to do what we are called to.

The four slowest moving planets in our solar system are changing signs/moving into new territory in a 2-year period which has never before occurred since we collectively became aware of Uranus in the 18th century, Neptune in the 19th century and Pluto in the 20th century. When this Pisces/Virgo lunar eclipse last occurred in March 2006 it was a less powerful annular eclipse, and these larger planetary movements had not happened. We have not been here before.

What does this Eclipse mean for me, for you, for us? It means we are now capable of, ready to shed our history of pain/loss/limitation to become fully able to live as our truest/least limited/most powerful self. Yes, we must “do it” which the Solar Eclipse on the 29th will support. This week is a time for meditation, prayer, self-care, self-love, ceremony, listening to all that is being whispered by our soul intuition if we make time to listen.


  1. Elise Peters

    Thank you Julia!
    So happy your beautiful site is up and that we can enjoy your very loving and articulate wisdom✨🪷🙏

  2. Ruth Gaviria

    Dearest Julia,
    Thank you for this amazing and thoughtful interpretation of the current planetary transits and the invitation to meditate, pray, care for self, love self, participate in ceremony and listen to our intuition. I have been waking up at 3 am recently. I know that this is a magical time when we are in “listening mode” with our 7th and 8th chakras and we can receive potent messages. May this Lunar Eclipse be one we use for personal and global transformation. Xoxo


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