Julia Bondi


Julia Bondi


The Great Planetary Convergence of January 2025

Feb 5, 2025 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

Culminating on January 25th the planetary alignment of all 10 planets in our Solar System on one side of the Sun met the Lunar New Year as the Sun, Moon and Pluto converged in Aquarius to usher in the powerful energy/frequency up-level of the dawning Aquarian Age. The stage for the meeting of our planets was highlighted by the Taurus Constellation, the Pleiades (the 7 sisters), the Hyades (a cluster of stars appearing to us in the constellation of Taurus), as the fixed star Aldebaran brightly beckoned. This unusual, impactful gathering greets humanity individually and collectively from the essential truth that love is the core foundation of our Cosmos. 

Welcome to the doorway/portal to the opening of the global heart of humanity. This is a heart initiation for us all to celebrate as we honor the Creation at the core of our Earth, her accelerating awakening into her full sacredness as we witness more and more of the Cosmic Creation of our universe through the data being collected by the Webb telescope. 

The fundamental purpose of the Aquarian Age rests on love – personal individuation which is founded on true self love, a loving collaboration with others which is founded on mutual respect, appreciation for and acceptance of others who are also individuals with their own unique gifts and purpose, and a global love for all of humanity which is founded on the reality that we each are a part of or cell in the great body of humanity. 

If this sounds far away, impossible or even unnecessary, it is helpful to consider that our world is now global, connected and interdependent. No individual, group, or nation can retreat from the global economy, global culture, global climate or global suffering. We are all aware of the expanding global mind through our rapidly evolving technology.

As a heart initiation, this planetary alignment is guided by Venus who travels closely with Mercury in intimate relationship with our central star, the Sun. 

The Sun is the vitality, the life force of our Solar System in close relationship with Mercury (our intelligence, capacity to learn, understand and act wisely) and Venus (our profound desire/attraction to love, connect, relate and value the beauty of our world’s existence/full potential). 

Knowing that the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune aligned with the Pleiades (a star cluster in the constellation of Taurus containing over a thousand stars, easily visible now in the sky close to Earth), the Hyades (sisters to the Pleiades, set in the head of Taurus), Aldebaran (the brightest star in the constellation of Taurus called the Eye of the Bull), . All 10 of our planets in our solar system are marching in this Cosmic Parade of Loving Potential to birth a better world that supports us all. 

While the January gathering culminated on the lunar New Year of January 25th, this dance has been developing since Pluto fully moved into Aquarius on November 19, 2024, for the next 19 years. December 7, 2024 Venus met Pluto in Aquarius, January 12, 2025 the Moon’s Nodes contributed insight into the vision for Humanity’s recognition of the Great Mystery of our Evolution which is now awakening the heart of Humanity, January 19, 2025 the Sun moved into Aquarius, January 19-25 the Planetary Parade of all 10 planets lined up to birth the Vision of Aquarian liberation from the past as we celebrate the full potential of our future. January 27, 2025, Mercury met Pluto in Aquarius.

On January 30, 2025, Uranus moved from retrograde motion to direct motion freeing active engagement in building the inner consciousness to actualize this Rebirthing World. The next major gathering, highlighting the Will to align/merge our personal will with the Will of the Divine will activate on February 28th. The Dance of Planetary Initiation of human consciousness activating previously unused parts of our brains continues through the Spring and Summer of 2025.


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