Julia Bondi


Julia Bondi


Spiritual Principles 2

Feb 5, 2025 | Spiritual Principles | 1 comment

The 2nd great Spiritual/Cosmic Law is “Answer Only What is Asked”. 

We have all heard how important it is to be impeccable with our words, to understand and respect the power of our words, to align our words with what is deeply true for us. This is accomplished by deep listening and surrender of all need to be right. 

Yet it is always so tempting to want to help others, especially loved ones with what we know/what we see for them, how they can grow and improve. Rarely does our desire, heartfelt as it may be to help others, help them. More often it engenders defensiveness or dismissal of what we see for them. Rather than moving them closer to us/what we are offering is more likely to foster separation and a closed mind to what we are saying. 

What I want, what I see, how I can help, how I grew or changed as a guide for you is too much “I”. While it motivated by our heart it isn’t respectful of the timing of awareness/growth for that person who is not us. What is meant to be loving can be received as judgement, criticism, pushiness, proselytizing or insensitive. Trusting each person to choose their own destiny, journey, growth, process is truly loving and often very difficult or painful when we do want to save them time and pain. In time, if we are quietly supporting those we care about or even the world there will come a time when what we model by living it ourselves will bring others to ask for insight, information, help that they will hear, make their own and benefit from. Each of us has our unique perspective, destiny and timing which is the true foundation from which to help by being available when asked. 

The world is always asking us to help in responding to where help is sorely needed. Answer this call.

1 Comment

  1. Joann

    ” In time, if we are quietly supporting those we care about or even the world there will come a time when what we model by living it ourselves will bring others to ask for insight, information, help that they will hear, make their own and benefit from. Each of us has our unique perspective, destiny and timing which is the true foundation from which to help by being available when asked. ”

    im so tired of my “helpfulness”…my ego is such a shapeshifter….thank you for this.


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