The Moon was full this morning at 24 degrees of Leo.
Each full moon is the exact moment when the Sun and Moon are opposite one another, when the Moon reflects the light of our Sun in full brightness. This is the potent, creative time of powerful light/insight between the waxing or growing light of the Moon and the waning diminishing light of the Moon to the darkness of the next New Moon. The monthly lunar cycle is the in-breath of our universe, the potent creative pause at the full moon followed by the out-breath of our universe. Aligning with the Lunar Cycle each lunar month brings us into the energetic flow of the Universe drawing in synchronicity, ease and inspiration.
This Full Moon is completing a cycle that began in May 2024 as it unites with the movement of Uranus until April 5, 2025. There are layers of cycles in our lunar cycles of new moons, full moons, and eclipses which will be discussed in future posts. This Leo/Aquarius/Uranus 12-month period has been a portal, a gateway to the opening of the heart of humanity individually and collectively.
Leo is the sign/the archetype of the joyful experience of creation – the sign of the child. Remembering our own natural joy as children discovering each day, activity, person and experience as a new/exciting possibility. The child in each of us, regardless of the childhood we experienced, desires presence, pleasure, play, imagination, love, warmth and comfort. Uranus, the ruler of Aquarius, is the planet of discovery of the uniqueness of our true self sharing its gifts with friends, groups we share interests/values with and contributing to our world. Therefore, the expansion of our hearts opens us to the freedom of a life of self-discovery, of friendship sharing our hearts lovingly with others, of heartfelt compassion and caring for creating a better world for all.
An expanding heart chooses joy, pleasure, compassion, forgiveness, gratitude, grace, mercy, beauty and always love. Conscious Love is wise, giving, and detached. True wisdom does not have an agenda to get or gain from anyone, instead it seeks to discover, to know and share with others without projection, demand, control, or expectation. Love introduces us to connection without separation. When we approach others with openness, curiosity and caring, others respond. Some will be small but meaningful encounters that offer a smile, helping someone to carry something, or offering a seat. Others will develop into friendships sharing our lives/our burdens/our joys – being seen, heard and understood. Some will become profoundly important intimate friends or romantic partners with depth and longevity, lifelong relationships that nourish hearts.
In a radically changing world with the societal ground shifting under us, an open heart allows us to lovingly embrace the grounding of Nature, meditation, prayer, beauty, art, music, romance, and living lovingly. With the full embrace of life, wisdom, discernment, compassion, balance, forgiveness, giving becomes natural and easy.
Care for ourselves, forgiveness and compassion for ourselves, loving acceptance of ourselves, releasing our past losses, grief, and pain frees us to be our truest self as it connects us with others in a caring, compassionate, accepting, presence of love.
It is time to stand for Love – “All We Need Is Love” echoes through our music, our souls and our world.