YES, we are living in and witnessing the end of the United States of America.
All human experience is temporal, human beings, nations, and institutions are born, live and die. We have heard Ben Franklin’s quote when asked by a woman waiting outside the Constitutional Convention what government the Founders had given us to which he said it was a Republic if we could keep it. We have kept it for 249 years since the Revolution we fought to become independent, to govern ourselves without a King. We committed to a Republic “of the People, by the People, for the People”.
Nations are entities created by people from a belief system to build a society based on that belief system, therefore, each nation has its own unique identity, culture, purpose and history. As we each were born at specific moment in time, to a family with a particular lineage, a religion or beliefs, a culture, expectations and resources, each nation was born at a specific time, with a unique purpose, for a people living at that moment in history. The United States of America was born in Philadelphia on July 4th, 1776. The US has a birth which we can study in its personal Astrological Chart, the map of its destiny.
2024/2025 in the US destiny map has reached the end of the contract signed by our Forefathers. We are watching the dramatic changes being announced by our current administration altering the government based on a set of beliefs that sees the country, its institutions, its purpose, its people, its role in the world very differently than it has been in our history. A different America is unfolding which many believe will be truer to our purpose and many believe deviates from and undermines who we are. We are divided as we are witnessing a “fork in the road” or a great turning point.
Why now, why this divide, why this extreme political time?
The US is living its Pluto return foreshadowing the END of an America many of us have never seen. There is no going back. There are, however, 2 paths forward – an America that retreats from a government providing services to its people through public Education, Healthcare, Social Security, guarantees of freedom to choose medical treatments, marriages, equal opportunities for jobs, and beliefs or an America that renews itself to fulfill the original promise of our Declaration of Independence to pursue a democratic nation of respect for our inalienable rights, freedom of religion/speech/representation for all the people.
The Contract has expired.
There are 2 visions, 2 paths forward each to a different America than any iteration of our past 249 years. This is truly a time of choosing. There will be no George Washington or Thomas Jefferson or John Adams. There will be no Savior. The American people are divided when the unified path forward is a rising of the majority of the American people to demand a country and a government that includes us all, respects us all, respects our legal rights, respects our right to speak for or against our government/its leaders, respects our rights to fair elections, to an education that teaches our history as it prepares us to develop our potential and the skills to succeed , respects our freedom to choose our personal lives, our beliefs, our medical care for ourselves.
Our essential task now is to examine our beliefs about who are, who we want to be followed by active engagement in building that personal, interpersonal, communal and national union that commits to and builds a new world for the 21st century, for another 249 years. A more perfect union is up to us, the people.
This is the Age of the People rising, uniting, envisioning a future radically more inclusive, more democratic and truer to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.