Articles Library

Our 2020’s-1920’s Redux?
Historical and Cosmic cycles underlie personal, cultural, national and global events. The 100-year cycle is a notable example of the resonance of long cycles unfolding producing times when history and events rhyme. Yet no time or event is exactly the same as Evolution...

Follow the Money
The United States was born with Pluto in Capricorn in the 2nd house (emphasis on making money, enhancing income-based talents and abilities). We reacted to more and more taxes (interference/lack of individual choice and benefit from our own labor) on our exports and...

The End of America???
YES, we are living in and witnessing the end of the United States of America. All human experience is temporal, human beings, nations, and institutions are born, live and die. We have heard Ben Franklin’s quote when asked by a woman waiting outside the Constitutional...

Spiritual Principles 2
The 2nd great Spiritual/Cosmic Law is “Answer Only What is Asked”. We have all heard how important it is to be impeccable with our words, to understand and respect the power of our words, to align our words with what is deeply true for us. This is accomplished...

The Great Planetary Convergence of January 2025
Culminating on January 25th the planetary alignment of all 10 planets in our Solar System on one side of the Sun met the Lunar New Year as the Sun, Moon and Pluto converged in Aquarius to usher in the powerful energy/frequency up-level of the dawning Aquarian Age. The...

Extraordinary Times 2020-2026
We are living in extraordinary times. Throughout human history people often consider their own era unique, a perspective that is understandable in their personal experience. Each period establishes its own value within our human and collective evolution and...

Spiritual Principles
The most essential and foundational principle or law of consciousness is SILENCE. We most often think of this silence as the quiet we experience in prayer, meditation, beauty, love, art, nature or any transcendent experience we are drawn to. Quiet stillness is the...
Spring 2025 – Classes in Astrology and Spiritual Awakening
ASTROLOGY The Archetypal Journey Through the Astrological Chart – your guide to becoming Whole and Conscious as an awakening Self. The Astrological language of divine destiny speaks to us through our individual birth chart, our map to this lifetime’s Spiritual Purpose...

There is a reason – Nov 7th
1776, Civil War, extreme political division, political violence have become a significant percentage of our national dialogue. WHY? Yes, we have been this divided before in the 1850’s prior to the Civil War and, yes, we have flirted with Fascism before in the...
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